Thursday, October 29, 2009

Loosing Weight ???

Loosing Weight - Goal Of life

Losing weight is not really that difficult. It just needs a person?s conviction and dedication. So first step, if you want to lose weight, you have to really want. That?s problem with most people. They know they have a weight problem; they start to feel unhappy about themselves, but do nothing about it. Sure, they tried all kinds of diet, all types of exercise, but don?t seem to work. Why? Because if they don?t see any results, they want to see the results immediately and that doesn?t happen, they start thinking about how they are and how miserable these intensive exercises are still so inefficient. Then they go back to their old ways, overeating and lounging themselves and are inactive.

Losing weight does not happen overnight. Losing weight won?t be easy at first, but becomes easier and easier. The more calories you burn, the elegant you are going to get healthy and you will become. That is the best way to lose weight? Everything has to start from within. Think for a moment and ask yourself, why I gain weight in the first place? The answer: Because of their lifestyle and eating habits. So how do you change it? By changing your lifestyle and eating habits.

Have you heard of stories of people saying that they looked at themselves in the mirror and suddenly they just told them, I no longer am a great person and I would start losing weight? That is the power of affirmations. They saw themselves in the mirror and that triggered a thought in your brain that you no longer want to be like and want to change. They said they thought and want to become a new person. These are the people who actually end up losing weight, and successfully, a story to tell and inspire others.

Positive affirmation is so important in everyone?s life. He can solve all your problems; you can solve all your problems by thinking positive. If you have a weight problem, look at you and say no longer be obese. I'll change my habits and I choose to take an active role lifestyle, say this over and over again. Say out loud! Shout it out! Seize the moment; enjoy the beginning of your new life.

Once you have got, you should not look back. You should not think of their failures in search of his past to lose weight. Instead, they live in the present and inspire you every day. Say to yourself, feeling lighter now enjoy this feeling, I feel healthy now focus on the new you. Indulge in weight loss affirmations and look for this complete change in itself. Start changing the way we think and the rest will follow. Dieting will be easier, it's easy to exercise, healthy eating will be easier and better it feels will be rewarding!

Stay positive and reach their goals. Lose weight naturally, there?s no need for weight loss pills that probably could even damage your turn to help you stay healthy. Losing weight requires a change in lifestyle. You all change your life if you have changed your thinking. You can lose weight if you really want it on you. Make that change and choose to be healthy. It doesn?t need to be the first day of the month or early next Monday... Start now. Go to the mirror and say I'm thin, beautiful and healthy.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

About Nightshades

Thought about nightshades

The name "nightshades" sounds mysterious and even a bit spooky and ominous. Data gathered from noted scientists, horticulturists, medical researchers, and macrobiotic sources provides a look at the facts and fables about these popular plants, their characteristics, history, effects, and their enduring appeal to the world's appetite.

What Are Nightshades?

Tomatoes, white potatoes, red and green bell peppers, the "hot" peppers such as chili and paprika, as well as eggplant belong to the Nightshade Family, a botanical genus called Solanaceae species. This species also includes tobacco, poisonous belladonna, and the toxic plants herbane, mandrake, and jimson weeds. According to nutritional researcher, author, and Cornell University instructor, Norman F. Childers in his The Nightshades and Health, the origin of the word "nightshade" is not clear. He explains that old English writings described these plants as Nightshades because of their "evil and loving" nature of the night.

Used in shamanism, witchcraft, and even poisonous murder, nightshades have a history of both mystical danger and scientific caution. Some nightshade plants are ingredients in potent narcotic medicine and sleeping pills. It is reported that nightshades contain high levels of alkaloids which cause the bones to excrete calcium, other minerals, and trace elements from the body. Many enlightened doctors and nutritionists recommend that those suffering from arthritis symptoms eliminate nightshades. In this article, the focus will be on two of the most favorite "vegetables" in America.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

About Health determinant

Health determinants

Social determinants of health are the economic and social conditions under which people live which determine their health. Virtually all major diseases are primarily determined by a network of interacting exposures that increase or decrease the risk for the disease. This is particularly the case for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes with these conditions the result of social, economic, and political forces.
As stated in Social Determinants of Health: The Solid Facts (WHO, 2003):
"Health policy was once thought to be about little more than the provision and funding of medical care: the social determinants of health were discussed only among academics. This is now changing. While medical care can prolong survival and improve prognosis after some serious diseases, more important for the health of the population as a whole are the social and economic conditions that make people ill and in need of medical care in the first place. Nevertheless, universal access to medical care is clearly one of the social determinants of health."
Raphael (2008) reinforces this concept: "Social determinants of health are the economic and social conditions that shape the health of individuals, communities, and jurisdictions as a whole. Social determinants of health are the primary determinants of whether individuals stay healthy or become ill (a narrow definition of health). Social determinants of health also determine the extent to which a person possesses the physical, social, and personal resources to identify and achieve personal aspirations, satisfy needs, and cope with the environment (a broader definition of health). Social determinants of health are about the quantity and quality of a variety of resources that a society makes available to its members." p. 2.

Health Aspects : Health of Mental

Mental health

Mental health is a term used to describe either a level of cognitive or emotional well-being or an absence of a mental disorder.[1][2] From perspectives of the discipline of positive psychology or holism mental health may include an individual's ability to enjoy life and procure a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.[1]
The World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.[3] It was previously stated that there was no one "official" definition of mental health. Cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all affect how "mental health" is defined.[4]

Health Aspects

Physical health

Physical fitness refers to body health, and is the result of regular exercise, proper diet and nutrition, and proper rest for physical recovery.
This is also influenced by the standard of living and quality of life. Genetics also plays a major role in people's height. The study of human growth, its regulators, and implications is known as Auxology.
Physical fitness comprises two related concepts: general fitness (a state of health and well-being) and specific fitness (a task-oriented definition based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations).
In previous years, fitness was commonly defined as the capacity to carry out the day’s activities without undue fatigue. However, as automation increased leisure time, changes in lifestyles following the industrial revolution rendered this definition insufficient. These days, physical fitness is considered a measure of the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations.

Definition of health

World Definition of Health
At the of the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO), in 1948, Health was defined as being "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".
This definition invited nations to expand the conceptual framework of their health systems beyond issues related to the physical condition of individuals and their diseases, and it motivated us to focus our attention on what we now call social determinants of health. Consequently, WHO challenged political, academic, community, and professional organizations devoted to improving or preserving health to make the scope of their work explicit, including their rationale for allocating resources. This opened the door for public accountability .
Only a handful of publications have focused specifically on the definition of health and its evolution in the first 6 decades. Some of them highlight its lack of operational value and the problem created by use of the word "complete." Others declare the definition, which has not been modified since 1948, "simply a bad one." .
In 1986, the WHO, in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, said that health is "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities." Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC), which is composed of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) also define health.
Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being, which, together is commonly referred to as the Health Triangle.

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