Monday, November 30, 2009

Need to solve Chest Congestion?

Chest Congestion

The sweetness of your breath may suffer, but eating a plate of curried, sauteed onions on rice can really loosen congestion in your chest. Lightly saute two onions, sliced, and at least 1 teaspoon of curry powder in 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil until the onions are soft. Onions contain quercetin and sulfur, two plant compounds that break up mucus and increase circulation, explains Orlarsch. Curry also loosens phlegm. And for that breath?

What to do with your Chapped Lips

Chapped Lips

First, chuck your Chapstick. Conventional lip balms contain petroleum and sometimes alcohol, both of which dry the sensitive skin on your lips. Instead, moisturize and protect your parched, peeling lips with castor oil. Carry a small squeeze bottle of the oil and apply it with your finger often throughout the day. If you plan to be out in the sun, use a natural petroleum- and alcohol-free balm with an SPF of 15 a few minutes after rubbing in the castor oil.

Canker Sores

About Canker Sores

You can once again eat spicy foods in comfort if you douse painful canker sores with raspberry leaf tea (Rubus idaeus). Steep 2 tablespoons of dried raspberry leaves in 1 cup boiling hot water until it cools. Strain the tea, and then swish a few mouthfuls for about one minute each three times a day. The tannins in this tea (which tastes a little like black tea) reduce the swelling and clean the sore so it can heal faster, explains Andrea Candee, a South Salem, N.Y.-based herbalist.

How to manage Burns


You may know lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) best for its soothing scent, but you can also use it to take the sting out of a first-degree burn (the kind you might get by touching a hot pan). Not only does this oil speed the healing process and prevent scarring, Bongiovanni says, but it also fights bacteria on vulnerable new skin. Gently clean the burn with soap and water first. Then combine one part pure lavender essential oil and three parts carrier oil, like almond or olive oil, and apply the mixture liberally to the burn at least three times a day, leaving the wound uncovered.


Experts say the popular muscle soreness remedy Arnica is also your best bet for minimizing bruises and healing them fast. As soon as you bump your knee or other body part or notice a swelling or discoloration, gently rub a dollop of this homeopathic cream on it. Arnica shrinks inflammation and increases circulation to flush away the stagnant blood that turns your skin black and blue.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Correct timing of taking water

Correct timing to take water will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.
Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs 

One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion
One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure
One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack

Saturday, November 21, 2009

How to manage stress

Manage stress well, and you’re well on your way to a healthy, productive life.
STRESS is probably the most over-used word of the 20th and 21st century. We are all victims of stress, brought on by our work, personal lives, relationships, and health.
We have come to accept that stress is inevitable. But we should not let it take over our lives and affect our health or well-being negatively. By learning to manage your stress, you can give your body a break and learn to enjoy life.
Stress is not just something you experience temporarily. Your body reacts to stress, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
What causes stress
Stress is not just something you experience for a while, and then goes away. Your body actually reacts to stress, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Over time, these reactions have an impact on your health.
First, let’s look at what causes stress. In today’s fast-paced, highly-competitive world, we stress ourselves out with all sorts of worries. Sometimes stress is thrust upon us, for example, becoming unexpectedly ill, or we bring it upon ourselves, for example, trying to do too much at work.
Even exciting things happening in our lives can produce stress as well – getting a promotion or having a baby is great, but you may experience changes, uncertainties, and anxieties that cause stress.
Women are particularly susceptible to stress caused by hormonal changes, during puberty, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause – hormone levels fluctuate consistently and cause stress.
Bad, bad stress
Is there such a thing as good stress? Well, considering that stress is a natural reaction by humans, there has to be a reason for it.
Stress can be positive, keeping us alert, motivated, and ready to avoid danger. Thanks to the body’s “fight or flight” response, you will experience a rush of adrenaline in an emergency situation that prepares you to run or defend yourself.
Some people perform best under stress, such as musicians, athletes, or even politicians!
Stress becomes bad when your body has to continuously respond to it. This will cause wear and tear on the body – both physical and emotional – and one day, you will discover that you are functioning at far lower levels than you used to.
Prolonged stress, leading to distress, can disturb the body’s internal balance or equilibrium, leading to physical symptoms such as headache, an upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, sexual dysfunction, and problems sleeping.
If you’re overly stressed, you may also be plagued by ulcers, lower abdominal cramps, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. You may find yourself falling sick with colds and common infections more often due to a weaker immune system. Or, an attack of the rashes may come on!
Women suffer from unique problems related to stress – in extreme cases, it can lead to absence of menstruation or abnormal bleeding. Hormonal imbalances caused by stress may exacerbate the symptoms of fibroid tumors’ and endometriosis, and make it more difficult for couples to conceive a baby.
Some women experience changes in their sexuality and encounter various sexual dysfunctions such as loss of desire and vaginal dryness as a result of stress.
Distress can also cause emotional problems, such as depression, panic attacks, or other forms of anxiety and worry.
Stress becomes part of a vicious circle when people engage in the compulsive use of substances or behaviors to try to relieve their stress, such as turning to food, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling, sex, shopping, and the Internet. Rather than relieving the stress and returning the body to a relaxed state, these substances and compulsive behaviors tend to keep the body in a stressed state and cause more problems.
Getting stressed when you’re already ill
Research suggests that stress can also worsen or exacerbate certain symptoms or illnesses. Not everyone responds in the same way to a certain illness, and the addition of mental stress on top of that individual response certainly affects it. For instance, certain diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, peptic ulcer disease, or cardiac disease can worsen with mental stress. It is important for women who already have some form of heart disease, such as high blood pressure, heart palpitations or high cholesterol, to be careful, because heart disease is one of the top killers of women.
How can you tell when you’re stressed? Generally, an increased pulse rate is a good indication that your adrenaline has gone up, but you can be stressed while having a normal pulse rate.
Other giveaways are constant aches and pains, palpitations, anxiety, chronic fatigue, crying, over- or under-eating, frequent infections, and a decrease in your sexual desire.
A good indication is if you feel like you’re “out of it” and you lose interest in most things. You may find yourself grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw all the time, suffer from indigestion, muscle tension, trembling or shaking, and even inexplicable diarrhoea.
If you experience all this or more, you don’t need anyone to tell you that you really need to relax. If you don’t make an effort to cut out the stress from your life, it could cause serious problems to your health and well-being.
Start with your state of mind – be positive about things in life and accept that there are events that you cannot control. Don’t let anger, frustration, or fear crowd your mind. Try to look for constructive solutions instead.
Lifestyle choices can help your body fight stress. Exercise regularly so that your body is fit. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals to keep your energy levels up and your immune system strong. Get enough rest and sleep – this makes a huge difference in helping you recover from stress.
Finally, make choices in life that are right for you. Know when to say “no” to requests that will cause excessive stress, and manage your time effectively to handle what you have on your plate.
Know when to ask for help, either from friends, family, colleagues, bosses, or even health professionals such as your doctor or psychologist.
Don’t let stress run your life, or you will be constantly sick, tired and frustrated. What kind of life would that be?
Originally wrote by DR NOR ASHIKIN MOKHTAR

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Body Odor

If your body odor persists despite good hygiene, your problem may be clogged pores. When your skin can't properly eliminate body wastes, bad body odor can result. Gently dry-brushing your skin just before every shower exfoliates the dead skin that traps those odor-causing wastes. You'll find body brushes in most drugstores. If you brush with long, gentle strokes moving toward your heart, you'll also improve circulation, which will help your body detoxify more efficiently. (This won't eliminate your need for deodorant, but you may be able to use less of it.)

Healthy Heart ? Use Cholesterol Lowering Food

A healthy heart leads to a healthy life free of disease. This article has covered a list of foods that are very helpful in reducing cholesterol level. Taking proper care of your health is above all that you do in your daily schedule so try to follow them - for you and your family happy.

High blood cholesterol problem may result in complications such as heart problems critics. You can have high blood cholesterol due to several reasons. You can control some of these factors, but some of them can? It is controlled. The life is one of the most important factors leading to high blood cholesterol. But sometimes it is seen that the people going through a perfectly healthy lifestyle may suffer from high blood cholesterol. This may be a hereditary factor that is one of the major factors influencing cholesterol in our blood.

Normally, our body produces a certain amount of cholesterol. Individuals, who are predisposed to high risk blood cholesterol problem, can only depend on medications prescribed by an expert in health. They need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and have a balanced diet, including plenty of healthy foods that reduce cholesterol. They need to work on some important factors such as weight management and diet.
You should choose food that helps. Do not take food that contains saturated fat, Trans fat and cholesterol. You can completely eliminate these elements from your diet, or can at least minimize the consumption of it.

Avoid sitting in front of the computer for a long period of time. If your daily routine lacks physical activities, you're running a great risk for various complications, such as high cholesterol. Even doing some simple exercises, like walking for an hour daily can help you manage your cholesterol level. If you can include in your daily exercise, you're on the way to manage blood pressure and triglyceride level.

If you have high blood cholesterol, you need to regularly check your body weight. If you are overweight, you should immediately take appropriate measures to lose weight.

If you are having you should increase your intake of foods high in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps to manage high cholesterol by absorbing it and then extracting the body through the digestive system. Foods that are good source of soluble fiber are apples, blackberries, oranges, apricots, peas, beans, broccoli, grapefruit, and sweet potatoes.

The Omega 3 fatty acids are to a significant level. You should take mackerel, salmon, sardines, and many others in your daily diet to meet the demand for omega 3 fatty acids in your system. Omega 3 fatty acids help in minimizing cardiovascular problems. If you do not want to have as much fatty fish, you can replace the foods that rely on lower cholesterol, such as walnuts, soybeans, and ground flax.

Apart from these, you can also add sterols in your diet. Sterols are nutritional substances found in plant cell membranes. Pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds, wheat germ and contain high amounts of sterols. Sterols actually resemble the chemical structure almost identical to cholesterol. If you take sterol in your diet, cholesterol claims for access to receptors located in the small intestine. Thus, it minimizes the production of cholesterol by effectively blocking their access to the small intestine. Hence, results in decreased cholesterol level in the body.

I have mentioned a good list of foods in this article that may help to lower high blood cholesterol level. So, take care of your diet and live a healthy life.

Important Notice: We are not intended to provide health advice in this article and are for general information. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Don't pop your blister, no matter how tempting it is. Doing so increases the chance of infection. Instead, dab a cotton ball dipped in plain old drugstore witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) on the area at least four times a day, says Brad Bongiovanni, N.D., a naturopath in Atlanta, Ga. Witch hazel contains astringent tannins that dry up the fluid-filled skin and relieve pain by increasing circulation. It also contains alcohol, which is drying.


To clear zits quickly, keep a small sealed jar of this natural topical remedy on hand (it keeps for a few months): Combine 2 tablespoons of green clay, 1 tablespoon of goldenseal powder (Hydratis canadensis), 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), and enough water to form a paste. Apply the paste to your blemish at bedtime and leave it on all night. The clay dries up pore-clogging oil, and the goldenseal and tea tree oil kill the bacteria that cause infection.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bad Breath

No other natural remedy freshens bad breath as well as parsley, says David Orlarsh, N.D., a naturopath in Plymouth, N.H. This herbal food garnish is rich in chlorophyll, a green plant compound that kills the bacteria that cause bad odor. Nibble on a sprig after eating raw onions or garlic or whenever your breath smells sour.

Lose More Weight

ONE OF THE BENEFITS OF A DETOX DIET IS that it forces you to break your usual routine to try healthier habits. Here's how to build on those good habits, prevent future bloating, and lose more weight.

GO BACK GRADUALLY. Returning immediately to your old diet, as tempting as it may be, can cause you to regain weight. You'll also miss out on the chance to spot foods that cause symptoms like bloating, congestion, or fuzzy thinking, Haas says. Start by adding back one new food each day, beginning with foods that are less likely to cause those reactions, like beans, fish, and grains other than wheat, before you move on to dairy, sugar, and wheat, which are often problematic. After you reintroduce a food, note how you feel 15 to 20 minutes later, three to four hours later, and when you wake up the next day. If a food causes symptoms, consider eliminating it from your diet. Even if it doesn't cause symptoms, you may want to eat less of it because it's likely to contain more calories than fruits and vegetables.

STAY ACQUAINTED WITH VEGGIES. Keep your refrigerator stocked with the vegetables you enjoyed while detoxing, as well as vegetable snacks (like bell pepper strips or grape tomatoes). They have plenty of fiber, few calories, and, unlike processed foods like crackers, won't induce bloating or add pounds.

MAINTAIN PETITE PORTIONS. At every meal, put one-third less food on your plate than usual and chew each bite thoroughly. As you learned from eating your low-calorie detox meals, eating slowly helps you feel satisfied with less.

KEEP ON MOVING. If you exercised more while detoxing, keep it up. Brainstorm ways to fit exercise into your day, like doing a yoga video before breakfast, walking a few sets of stairs at lunch, or taking your dog for an after-dinner stroll.

DETOX AGAIN. Haas suggests that you repeat this process two to four times a year to support your healthy habits. Next time, consider following the detox diet for up to three weeks. This can lead to even greater improvements, he says.

Judy Bass, a writer in Stoughton, Mass., is a frequent contributor to Natural Health.

Your Detox Diet Plan

FIRST, DECIDE WHEN TO DETOX. SELECT A WEEK WITHOUT A DEMANDING SCHEDULE or a food-related function like a wedding. Start on a Friday; you may experience minor side effects like headaches during the first days of detoxing, and it's easier to handle these at home than at work.

You'll eat only vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, consuming 800 to 1,400 calories a day. You'll also drink just water and noncaffeinated herb tea. Choose organic foods when possible to limit your exposure to pesticides and other chemical additives. Shop for the foods you'll need before you begin. If you'll be away from home during the day, prepare your lunch and snacks the night before and bring them with you.

The day you begin the plan, start a journal. Each day carefully record any changes in the way you feel, physically and emotionally. If you experience side effects like headaches, see "How to Deal with Symptoms."

Deal with Symptoms

ALTHOUGH YOU'LL FEEL LESS BLOATED AND more energetic by the end of your detox, it's normal to experience some unpleasant symptoms early in the week--including fatigue, headaches, hunger, irritability, and nausea--as your body sheds waste and withdraws from substances you may be addicted to, like caffeine or sugar. These symptoms are usually worst during the first two days. Here's how to cope.

FATIGUE: Believe it or not, the best way to pull out of energy slumps is to exercise, so schedule walks for the times you feel sluggish. Dehydration often causes fatigue so make sure you're drinking at least six glasses of water a day. And you may need more sleep than usual. If you're tired, go to bed at least 30 minutes earlier.

HEADACHES: They're common in the first 24 hours, particularly if you're withdrawing from caffeine. Drinking plenty of water and having regular bowel movements can alleviate these headaches. You can also use white willow bark (Salix spp). This herb, available at most natural food stores, contains salicylic acid, the active component in aspirin. Take it daily in one of two forms: liquid extract (1 teaspoon or 4 dropperfuls) or capsules (standardized to 120 to 140 mg of salicin). (Don't use this herb with blood thinners or if you have kidney, liver, or bleeding disorders or aspirin allergies.)

HUNGER: If you feel hungry and depleted in the afternoon, eat a small amount of protein at 3 p.m. (the time when it's best digested by your body). Try 1/2 to 1 cup of cooked legumes (like lentils), sprouted beans (like sprouted garbanzo beans or lentils), or 3 to 4 ounces of organic chicken or fish that's baked or steamed. Use the approved flavorings from page 59.

IRRITABILITY: Withdrawing from caffeine or sugar may make you feel agitated. To relax, take 300 to 400 mg of calcium and 250 mg of magnesium once a day.

NAUSEA: Drink peppermint or ginger tea (Zingiber officinale), two stomach soothers. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tea bag or 1 teaspoon of dried herb. Cover, steep for 10 minutes, strain, and drink up to three cups a day.

Detox Habits

IN ADDITION TO THE DIET, TAKE UP THE following habits this week. These habits enhance your body's ability to shed waste through the organs of elimination, including your bowels, lungs, skin, and urinary tract. The more you stick to these habits and the more water you drink, the less likely you are to suffer from side effects like headaches and fatigue as you detox.

EXERCISE. Each day this week, do an hour of moderate exercise like walking, cycling, or yoga. You can divide your exercise into two half-hour segments, or into four 15-minute chunks. Exercise boosts your circulation of blood and lymph (the fluid produced by your lymph glands to sweep waste out of your body), makes you sweat out waste, and increases the frequency of your bowel movements. Do some of your exercise outside this week; breathing fresh air enhances your detox.

BE REGULAR. You should have a bowel movement at least once a day this week (but twice a day is better). Frequent bowel movements are key to feeling good as you detox. If you don't have one the first day, drink 1 to 2 cups of a laxative tea daily for the rest of the week. Look for a tea that contains herbs like cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana), Oregon grape (Berberis aquifolium), and senna (Senna alexandrina). You'll find laxative teas at a natural food store. In addition to the tea, take psyllium husk twice a day. For each dose, take 1 or 2 teaspoons of powdered psyllium husk mixed with 8 ounces of water, or two 500 mg psyllium husk capsules with several glasses of water. You'll find psyllium at natural food stores.

USE A LOOFAH. During your showers or baths this week, gently scrub your skin with a wet loofah, a natural sponge available at drugstores and natural food stores. A loofah aids your detox by stimulating circulation and sloughing off dead cells and other waste that collects on your skin.

TRY A NETI POT. If you feel congested during your detox week, rinse your nose and sinuses with saltwater with the help of a neti pot. This teapotlike device is sold at most natural food stores. Instructions in the box describe how to do it. Use the neti pot up to three times daily.

SIT IN A SAUNA OR STEAM ROOM. If you have access to a sauna or steam room, use it for two 20-minute sessions this week to help your body sweat out waste. If you don't have access to a sauna, stand in a hot, steamy shower for 5 to 10 minutes at least twice this week.

TAKE A BREAK FROM NEWS. To limit toxic thoughts, which can undermine your health, observe a news fast for three to seven days this week. Make an effort to avoid news or other emotionally disturbing information from the Internet, magazines, movies, newspapers, the radio, or television. Use the free time to relax and enjoy self-nurturing activities like listening to music or reading a book.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Why men are prone to premature ejaculation!

Ejaculation is naturally very rapidly in humans during coitus. Indeed, in nature, it is always preferable to ejaculate quickly in order to increase his chances of transmitting life.

Sexology: Ejaculation difficult, a common problem

How the desire to delay ejaculation is it published?

Rapid ejaculation: advantage or disadvantage?

Therefore, the character "rapid ejaculation" is rather more for which men have been selected by evolution over the millennia!

This is for all primates who ejaculate after all only a few coital movements back and forth.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Formula Detox In a Week

A detox diet can help you shed up to 10 pounds and leave you feeling terrific. Our weeklong plan shows you how to lose the weight and keep it off - Cover story

When you simplify your diet for a week, something amazing happens. If you eat only wholesome foods and give your body a break from refined flour, sugar, and caffeine, your body sheds up to 10 pounds of excess water weight and your energy soars. You improve your digestion, stop feeling bloated and congested, and decrease your risk of disease. Detoxing, as this process is known, can also improve your eating habits. These new habits help you keep the bloat off and lose more weight.
Detox diets are a time-honored practice of limiting yourself to certain foods for a short period of time. Some detox diets are so strict that you only drink juices, but ours involves a more varied diet of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. This practice is healthy and safe for most people, say holistically minded doctors like Elson M. Haas, M.D., director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin in San Rafael, Calif., and author of The Detox Diet (Celestial Arts, 1996) and The False Fat Diet (Ballantine, 2000). Haas says he's helped more than 10,000 people detox in his 30-year medical practice, and he personally detoxes three times a year.
We asked Haas to create the following seven-day detox plan. It gives you step-by-step instructions on what to do and tells you how to continue to lose weight after the detox is over. Don't follow this plan if you have a chronic disease like cancer or heart disease or are pregnant or nursing. The plan is also not recommended for children or teens.
What to Eat
FOLLOW THIS MEAL PLAN DAILY DURING your detox week. Sit down for each meal and eat slowly, chewing every bite thoroughly. Chewing this way helps you feel full on fewer calories, and taking the time to sit down will keep you from feeling deprived.
WAKE-UP DRINK: As soon as you rise, drink two 8-ounce glasses of filtered or spring water. Squeeze half a lemon into one of those glasses; the lemon stimulates your digestive juices. Your goal is to drink at least six glasses of water by the end of the day. If you have trouble remembering how much you drank, keep track in your journal.
BREAKFAST: Between 7 and 8 a.m., eat one piece of fresh fruit like an apple, pear, or banana. Fifteen to 30 minutes later, eat 1 to 2 cups of cooked whole grains like amaranth, buckwheat, brown rice, millet, or quinoa. (This delay aids your digestion.) Avoid barley, corn, oats, rye, and wheat; many people experience congestion, poor digestion, and other symptoms when they eat these grains. To prepare most of the grains, you'll add them to boiling water, reduce the heat to a slow simmer, and cook them covered for 30 minutes or more until they're tender. (For exact instructions, consult the packaging.) You may want to prepare several servings ahead of time and reheat them in the morning.
To flavor your grains, add 2 tablespoons of 100 percent fruit juice or I teaspoon of an oil and butter mix per serving. To make this mix, combine 1/4 cup of extra-virgin olive oil or cold-pressed canola oil and 1/2 cup (1 stick) of room-temperature butter. Store it in the refrigerator. Use a maximum of 3 teaspoons a day. The fats in this mix keep your tissues healthy as you detox, and butyric acid, a compound in butter, helps heal and protect cells in your stomach and intestines.
With your grains, take a multivitamin and additional supplements to get 200 to 400 IU of natural vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) and 100 to 200 mcg of selenium. These antioxidants fight the free radicals your body produces as you detox. Taking supplements with food prevents the nausea you may suffer if you consume them on an empty stomach. If you usually take other supplements, continue to take them unless they contain caffeine.
MIDMORNING SNACK: Around 11 a.m., sip 1 to 2 cups of the vegetable water left over from steaming your lunch and dinner. (For more on the steaming process, see "Lunch," next page.) You should reheat this water and can season it with a dash of salt. The broth provides valuable nutrients that separate from the vegetables during steaming, eases hunger pangs, and keeps you hydrated (it counts toward your daily fluid consumption). Next, take 500 to 1,000 mg of vitamin C powder buffered with calcium and magnesium. You'll find this powder at natural food stores; choose a brand that's free of sugar and artificial sweeteners. Mix it with 6 ounces of water and drink. Vitamin C, an antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals produced as you detox, and calcium and magnesium help ease any agitation you may feel as you withdraw from addictive substances like caffeine or sugar.
LUNCH: Between noon and 1 p.m., eat steamed vegetables. You can make them the night before or in the morning and reheat them at lunch. Save the water from the steaming process in a covered container and refrigerate it.
To make your lunch, steam up to 4 cups of raw vegetables in at least 2 cups of water until they're tender but still crisp. Prepare at least four vegetables for each meal, aiming for a variety of flavors, textures, and colors. For example, try a starchy vegetable like a potato, a bitter green like kale, a sweet vegetable like red bell pepper, and a pungent vegetable like scallions.
To achieve evenly cooked vegetables, add them to the pot according to their approximate steaming times. For example, starchy vegetables like beets, potatoes, and sweet potatoes take about 15 minutes when cut into 1- to 2-inch cubes. Chopped into bite-size pieces, bell peppers, broccoli, leeks, greens like collards, and the stems from chard and collards take about 5 minutes. And spinach, scallions, and the leafy parts of chard take just 1 to 2 minutes.
You can season your vegetables with a teaspoon of the oil and butter mix, olive oil alone, or flaxseed oil, as well as small amounts of raw garlic, salt, garlic salt, vegetable salt, and fresh herbs like basil, mint, or oregano.
For variety, eat raw vegetables like lettuce greens, sliced carrots, and bell peppers, dressed with a teaspoon of olive oil and the juice of half a lemon, at two or three meals this week.
AFTERNOON SNACK: At 3 p.m., reheat 1 to 2 cups of vegetable water left from steaming, season it with a dash of salt, and drink it. Follow with 500 to 1,000 mg of buffered vitamin C.
DINNER: Between 6 and 7 p.m., eat another meal of steamed vegetables. Steam up to 4 cups of raw vegetables, and flavor them with the seasonings suggested for lunch. Save the water from steaming to drink the next morning. The early mealtime gives your body a chance to digest dinner before bedtime so it can concentrate on detoxifying overnight. After dinner, do not eat again until morning. Instead, sip noncaffeinated teas like chamomile (Matricaria recutita) or peppermint (Mentha piperita).

Ein detox Diät kann Ihnen helfen, Schuppen bis zu 10 Pfund und fühlen Sie sich großartig. Unsere einwöchigen Plan zeigt Ihnen, wie das Gewicht zu verlieren und halten Sie es aus - Titelstory

Wenn Sie Ihre Ernährung Vereinfachung für eine Woche, geschieht etwas Erstaunliches. Wenn Sie nur gesunde Lebensmittel zu essen und geben Sie Ihrem Körper eine Auszeit aus raffiniertem Mehl, Zucker und Koffein, Schuppen Ihren Körper bis zu 10 Pfund überschüssiges Wasser Gewicht und Ihre Energie steigt. Sie verbessern Ihre Verdauung, Stop Feeling aufgeblähten und überlastet, und verringern das Risiko von Krankheiten. Entgiftung, da dieser Prozess bekannt ist, kann auch zur Verbesserung Ihrer Ernährungsgewohnheiten. Diese neuen Gewohnheiten behalten Sie allen überflüssigen Ballast ab und verlieren mehr Gewicht.

Detox-Diäten sind eine bewährte Praxis der Begrenzung der sich auf bestimmte Lebensmittel, die für eine kurze Zeit. Einige Detox-Diäten sind so streng, dass Sie trinken nur Säfte, sondern uns geht eine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung mit Gemüse, Obst und Vollkornprodukten. Diese Praxis ist gesund und sicher für die meisten Menschen sagen, ganzheitlich gleichgesinnten Ärzten wie Elson M. Haas, MD, Direktor des Zentrums für Präventive Medizin Marin in San Rafael, Kalifornien, und Autor von The Detox Diet (Celestial Arts, 1996) und The False Fat Diet (Ballantine, 2000). Haas sagt, dass er dazu beigetragen, mehr als 10.000 Menschen detox in seiner 30-jährigen medizinischen Praxis, und er persönlich detoxes drei Mal pro Jahr.

Wir fragten Haas auf der folgenden sieben Tage Detox-Plan zu erstellen. Es gibt Ihnen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anweisungen, was zu tun und sagt Ihnen, wie es weiter geht, Gewicht zu verlieren nach der Entgiftung ist vorbei. Gehen Sie nicht nach diesem Plan, wenn Sie eine chronische Erkrankung wie Krebs oder Herzerkrankungen oder schwanger sind oder stillen haben. Der Plan ist auch nicht für Kinder oder Jugendliche empfohlen.

What to Eat

WEITERE Die Verpflegung täglich während Sie die Kur Woche. Setzen Sie sich zu jeder Mahlzeit essen, langsam, kauen Sie jeden Bissen gründlich. Chewing diese Weise hilft Ihnen das Gefühl voll auf weniger Kalorien, und sich die Zeit nehmen, sich hinzusetzen werden Sie von zu halten Gefühl beraubt.

WAKE-UP TRINKEN: Sobald Sie steigen, trinken zwei 8-Unzen Gläser gefiltert oder Quellwasser. Squeeze halben Zitrone in eine dieser Brillen, die Zitrone regt Ihr Verdauungssäfte. Ihr Ziel ist es mindestens sechs Gläser Wasser am Ende des Tages zu trinken. Wenn Sie Probleme haben, merken, wie viel Sie tranken, verfolgen in Ihr Tagebuch.

FRÜHSTÜCK: Zwischen 7 und 8 Uhr, essen ein Stück frisches Obst wie ein Apfel, Birne oder Banane. Fünfzehn bis 30 Minuten später, essen von 1 bis 2 Tassen gekochte Vollkornprodukte wie Amaranth, Buchweizen, brauner Reis, Hirse oder Quinoa. (Diese Verzögerung Beihilfen Ihre Verdauung.) Vermeiden Gerste, Mais, Hafer, Roggen und Weizen, viele Menschen erleben Staus, schlechte Verdauung und andere Symptome, wenn sie diese Körner zu essen. Für die meisten der Körner vorzubereiten, werden Sie sie in das kochende Wasser hinzufügen, die Hitze reduzieren, um das langsame köcheln lassen, und kochen sie für 30 Minuten oder mehr fallen, bis sie weich sind. (Eine genaue Anleitung finden Sie in der Verpackung.) Sie können mehrere Portionen vor der Zeit vorbereiten und aufwärmen in den Morgen.

Um Ihren Geschmack Körner, fügen Sie 2 Esslöffel von 100 Prozent Fruchtsaft oder ich ein Teelöffel Öl und Butter mischen pro Portion. Um diese Mischung zu erhalten, verbinden 1 / 4 Tasse natives Olivenöl oder kaltgepresstes Rapsöl und 1 / 2 Tasse (1 Stick) der Raumtemperatur Butter. Stecken Sie ihn in den Kühlschrank stellen. Verwenden Sie maximal 3 Teelöffel pro Tag. Die Fette in diesem Mix zu halten Ihr Gewebe gesund, wie Sie Entgiftung und Buttersäure, eine Verbindung, in Butter, hilft heilen und schützen die Zellen in Ihrem Magen und Darm.

Mit Ihrer Körner, nehmen Sie ein Multivitamin-und Zusatzgebühren zu 200 bis 400 IE natürliches Vitamin E erhalten (d-alpha-Tocopherol) und 100 bis 200 Mikrogramm Selen. Diese Antioxidantien bekämpfen freie Radikale produziert Ihr Körper, wie Sie Entschlackung. Die Einnahme von Nahrungsmittelergänzungen mit Lebensmitteln verhindert, dass die Übelkeit leiden können, wenn Sie sie verbrauchen auf nüchternen Magen. Wenn Sie in der Regel andere Ergänzungen zu nehmen, weiterhin zu nehmen, wenn sie Koffein enthalten.

Vormittagssnack: Um 11 Uhr verließ sip 1 bis 2 Tassen Wasser über das Gemüse aus dampfenden Mittag-und Abendessen. (Weitere Informationen über den dampfenden Prozeß finden Sie unter "Lunch", nächste Seite). Sie sollten dieses Wasser erhitzen und kann sie mit einer Prise Salz Saison. Die Brühe liefert wertvolle Nährstoffe, die getrennt von dem Gemüse im Dampf, erleichtert Hunger, und hält Sie Hydrat (es zählt zu Ihrem täglichen Flüssigkeitszufuhr). Dann nehmen Sie 500 bis 1000 mg Vitamin C-Pulver mit Calcium und Magnesium gepuffert. Sie werden dieses Pulver bei Naturkostläden zu finden, wählen Sie eine Marke, die frei von Zucker und Süßstoffen. Mix it mit 6 Liter Wasser und trinken. Vitamin C, ein Antioxidans, neutralisiert freie Radikale, wie Sie produziert Entgiftung, und Kalzium und Magnesium helfen Leichtigkeit jede Aufregung können Sie, wie Sie von abhängig machenden Substanzen wie Koffein oder sich zurückzuziehen Zucker.

MITTAGESSEN: Zwischen Mittag und 1 Uhr, gedünstetes Gemüse essen. Sie können sie in der Nacht zuvor oder am Morgen und erhitzen sie zum Mittagessen. Speichern Sie das Wasser aus dem Dampf-Prozess in einen geschlossenen Behälter im Kühlschrank lagern und sie.

Um Ihr Mittagessen, Dampf machen bis zu 4 Tassen rohes Gemüse in mindestens 2 Tassen Wasser, bis sie zärtlich, aber immer noch knackig. Bereiten Sie mindestens vier Gemüse zu jeder Mahlzeit, mit dem Ziel für eine Vielzahl von Aromen, Texturen und Farben. Zum Beispiel, versuchen Sie, eine stärkehaltige Gemüse wie eine Kartoffel, ein bitterer grün wie Grünkohl, ein süßes Gemüse wie Paprika und eine scharfe Gemüse wie Frühlingszwiebeln.

Gleichmäßig gekochtes Gemüse zu erreichen, fügen Sie sie in den Pot nach ihrer ungefähren Dämpfzeiten. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel stärkehaltige Gemüse wie Rüben, Kartoffeln und Süßkartoffeln ca. 15 Minuten, wenn sie geschnitten 1 - bis 2-cm große Würfel schneiden. In mundgerechte Stücke gehackt-size, Paprika, Broccoli, Lauch, nehmen Greens wie Kohl, und die Stiele von Mangold und collards ca. 5 Minuten. Und Spinat, Schalotten, und die grünen Teile der Mangold nehmen nur 1 bis 2 Minuten.

Sie können Ihr Gemüse mit einem Teelöffel Öl und Butter mischen, Olivenöl allein oder Leinsamenöl Saison, sowie kleine Mengen an rohem Knoblauch, Salz, Knoblauch, Salz, Pflanzenöl Salz und frische Kräuter wie Basilikum, Minze oder Oregano .

Für Abwechslung, rohes Gemüse wie Salat Greens, geschnittene Karotten und Paprika, bekleidet mit einem Teelöffel Olivenöl und den Saft einer halben Zitrone, zwei oder drei Mahlzeiten pro Woche.

Nachmittagssnack: Um 3 Uhr, erhitzen 1 bis 2 Tassen Wasser gelassen Gemüse aus Dampf, würzen mit einer Prise Salz und trinken. Folgen Sie mit 500 bis 1000 mg Vitamin C gepuffert

ABENDESSEN: Zwischen 6 und 7 Uhr, eine weitere Mahlzeit essen aus gedämpftem Gemüse. Dampf bis zu 4 Tassen rohes Gemüse, Geschmack und sie mit den vorgeschlagenen Zutaten für das Mittagessen. Speichern Sie das Wasser aus Dampf zu trinken am nächsten Morgen. Die frühe Mahlzeiten geben Ihrem Körper eine Chance zum Abendessen vor dem Schlafengehen zu verdauen, weswegen es sich entgiftende Nacht konzentrieren können. Nach dem Essen zu tun, nicht schon wieder bis zum nächsten Morgen zu essen. Stattdessen sip noncaffeinated Tees wie Kamille (Matricaria recutita) oder Pfefferminze (Mentha piperita).

Una dieta de desintoxicación puede ayudar a eliminar hasta 10 libras y hacer que te sientas terrible. Nuestro plan de una semana de duración muestra cómo perder peso y mantenerlo fuera - Artículo de portada

Al simplificar su dieta durante una semana, sucede algo sorprendente. Si usted come sólo alimentos saludables y dar a su cuerpo un descanso de harina refinada, el azúcar y la cafeína, su cuerpo perdió hasta 10 libras de peso del exceso de agua y su energía se dispara. A mejorar su digestión, dejar de sentirse hinchado y congestionado, y disminuir su riesgo de enfermedad. Desintoxicación, como se conoce a este proceso, también puede mejorar sus hábitos alimenticios. Estos nuevos hábitos ayudarán a mantener la hinchazón fuera y perder más peso.

Dietas de desintoxicación son una antigua práctica de limitar a ti mismo a ciertos alimentos durante un corto período de tiempo. Algunos granos de las dietas de desintoxicación son tan estrictas que sólo bebe jugo, pero el nuestro consiste en una dieta más variada de verduras, frutas y granos integrales. Esta práctica es saludable y seguro para la mayoría de la gente, digamos de manera integral mente los médicos como Elson M. Haas, MD, director del Centro de Medicina Preventiva de Marín en San Rafael, California, y autor de la dieta de desintoxicación (Celestial Arts, 1996) y La dieta rica en grasas Falso (Ballantine, 2000). Haas dice que ayudó a más de 10.000 personas de desintoxicación en sus 30 años de práctica médica, y él personalmente desintoxicaciones tres veces al año.

Le preguntamos a Haas para crear los siguientes siete días de plan de desintoxicación. Le da paso a paso las instrucciones sobre qué hacer y le indica cómo seguir para perder peso después de la desintoxicación es más. No seguir este plan si tiene una enfermedad crónica como el cáncer o enfermedades del corazón o están embarazadas o amamantando. El plan tampoco es recomendado para niños o adolescentes.

Qué comer

SEGUIMIENTO DIARIO EL PRESENTE PLAN comida durante su semana de desintoxicación. Siéntese en cada comida y comer despacio, masticando bien cada bocado. La masticación de esta manera ayuda a sentirse satisfecho con menos calorías, y tomando el tiempo para sentarse a que no sienta privado.

WAKE-UP DRINK: Tan pronto como usted se levanta, beber dos vasos de 8 onzas de agua filtrada o de primavera. Exprimir medio limón en una de esas gafas, el limón estimula sus jugos digestivos. Su objetivo es beber por lo menos seis vasos de agua al final del día. Si tiene problemas para recordar lo mucho que bebió, seguir la pista en su diario.

DESAYUNO: Entre 7 y 8 de la mañana, comer un pedazo de fruta fresca como una manzana, pera o plátano. Quince a 30 minutos más tarde, comer 1 a 2 tazas de granos enteros cocidos como el amaranto, el arroz el trigo sarraceno, marrón, el mijo o la quinua. (Este retraso ayude a su digestión.) Evite la cebada, el maíz, avena, centeno y trigo, a muchas personas de la congestión experiencia, mala digestión, y otros síntomas cuando comen estos granos. Para preparar la mayoría de los granos, que añadiremos al agua hirviendo, baje el fuego a un lento cocine a fuego lento y cocinar cubierto por 30 minutos o más hasta que estén tiernas. (Para obtener instrucciones exactas, consulte el envase.) Usted puede preparar varias raciones antes de tiempo y volver a calentar en la mañana.

Para darle sabor a tus granos, añadir 2 cucharadas de jugo al 100 por ciento de frutas o I cucharadita de una mezcla de aceite y la mantequilla por porción. Para realizar esta mezcla, combinar 1 / 4 taza de aceite de oliva extra virgen o prensado en frío de aceite de canola y 1 / 2 taza (1 barra) de mantequilla de habitación de la temperatura. Guárdelo en el refrigerador. Utilice un máximo de 3 cucharaditas al día. Las grasas en esta combinación de mantener los tejidos sanos como de desintoxicación, y el ácido butírico, un compuesto en la mantequilla, ayuda a curar y proteger a las células en el estómago y los intestinos.

Con los granos, tomar un suplemento multivitamínico y suplementos para obtener 200 a 400 UI de vitamina E natural (d-alfa tocoferol) y de 100 a 200 mcg de selenio. Estos antioxidantes combaten los radicales libres que su cuerpo produce a medida que los de desintoxicación. La ingesta de suplementos con alimentos evita las náuseas que pueden sufrir si se consumen con el estómago vacío. Si suele tomar suplementos de otros, siguen ellos a menos que contengan cafeína.

MERIENDA media mañana: Alrededor de las 11 am, tazas SIP 1 a 2 de las aguas de vegetación remanente de vapor de su almuerzo y cena. (Para más información sobre el proceso de vapor, vea "Almuerzo" en la página siguiente.) Usted debe calentar el agua y se puede sazonar con una pizca de sal. El caldo proporciona nutrientes valiosos que se separan de las verduras durante el vapor, alivia los dolores del hambre, y lo mantiene hidratado (que cuentan para su consumo diario de líquidos). A continuación, tomar de 500 a 1.000 mg de vitamina C en polvo tamponado con calcio y magnesio. Encontrarás este polvo en las tiendas de alimentos naturales; elegir una marca que está libre de azúcar y los edulcorantes artificiales. Mezcla con 6 onzas de agua y beber. La vitamina C, un antioxidante, neutraliza los radicales libres producidos a medida que los de desintoxicación, y el calcio y el magnesio ayudan a aliviar cualquier agitación puede sentir como que se retiren de las sustancias adictivas, como la cafeína o azúcar.

ALMUERZO: Entre el mediodía y la 1 pm, comer verduras al vapor. Usted puede hacer que la noche anterior o en la mañana y recalentar el almuerzo. Guardar el agua en el proceso de vapor en un recipiente cubierto y refrigere.

Para hacer su almuerzo, el vapor de hasta 4 tazas de verduras crudas en al menos 2 tazas de agua hasta que estén tiernas, pero aún crujientes. Preparar por lo menos cuatro verduras en cada comida, con el objetivo de una variedad de sabores, texturas y colores. Por ejemplo, pruebe con una verduras que contienen almidón como una patata, una verde y amargo como la acelga, una verdura dulce como el pimiento rojo, y una verdura picante como el cebollín.

Para lograr las verduras cocidas uniformemente, añadirlos a la olla de acuerdo a sus tiempos aproximados al vapor. Por ejemplo, vegetales con almidón como la remolacha, papas y batatas dura unos 15 minutos cuando se corta en 1 - a 2 cubos de una pulgada. Picado en trozos pequeños, pimientos, brócoli, puerros, verduras como la col rizada, y los tallos de acelga y col tomar alrededor de 5 minutos. Y las espinacas, las cebolletas, y las partes de hojas de acelga tomar sólo 1 a 2 minutos.

Puede temporada de verduras con una cucharadita de la mezcla de aceite y mantequilla, aceite de oliva solo, o aceite de linaza, así como pequeñas cantidades de ajo crudo, sal, sal de ajo, sal de verduras y hierbas frescas como la albahaca, menta, orégano o .

Para variar, comer verduras crudas como verdes de lechuga, rodajas de zanahoria y pimiento, vestido con una cucharadita de aceite de oliva y el jugo de medio limón, en dos o tres comidas de esta semana.

Merienda: A las 3 pm, tazas de recalentamiento 1 a 2 de las aguas de vegetación a la izquierda de vapor, se sazona con una pizca de sal, y beber. Siga con 500 a 1.000 mg de vitamina C. búfer

CENA: Entre 6 y 7 de la tarde, comer un plato de verduras al vapor. De vapor de hasta 4 tazas de verduras crudas, y el sabor con los condimentos sugerido para el almuerzo. Guardar el agua de vapor a beber a la mañana siguiente. La temprana hora de la comida le da a su cuerpo la oportunidad de digerir la cena antes de acostarse para que pueda concentrarse en la desintoxicación de la noche. Después de la cena, no comer de nuevo hasta la mañana. Por el contrario, beber té sin cafeína como la manzanilla (Matricaria recutita) o de menta (Mentha piperita).

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fitness Plays a Big Role

If you are interested in your health, fitness plays a big role...
Many people underestimate the importance of physical activity in relation to overall well being. Studies have shown over and over again how important it really is. In fact, it can reduce the risk of developing life threatening diseases.
For one thing, being fit and physically active relieves stress, which is a killer. If you look at the lifestyles of the majority of the population and their levels of stress, combined with the multiple diseases inflicting a good part, and which are on the rise, you will see that more people are getting sick than in the past. For example, in the past, when the majority of the bread earners were men, it was men that were stressed and more prone to heart attacks, etc. Now, with everyone on the workforce, these statistics have changed and women are rising in relation to such diseases.
With that said, if these people were exercising, then their risk of developing such diseases would decrease. Another example would be with diabetics. For those who suffer from this condition, as well as prediabetes, exercise is one of the recommendations to keep blood sugar levels at bay. Of course, this is in conjunction with healthier eating. The problem of rising numbers in diseases and chronic conditions is that we are all somewhat negligent as to the food we eat, lacking severely in essential nutrients and vitamins.
However, in combination with a diet rich in vitamins from fruits and vegetables and basically one that is balanced with the four food groups, as well as participating in some type of physical activity, you can live a longer and healthier life. Physical activity doesn't have to be something you loathe. In fact, it could be walking, running, or cycling. But it doesn't end there. Perhaps you can join a team and play soccer or some other team sport that you can have lots of fun with.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Causes of Bad Breath

Do You Really Know The Causes of Bad Breath?

Bad breath, or Halitosis, describes a condition most commonly characterized as noticeably unpleasant odors that are carried on the breath. Whether from an oral source or not, so-called "stinky breath" is very common, so much so that virtually every human being suffers from it to some extent throughout their lives. There is therefore a lot of community interest in how to cure bad breath and the range of bad breath remedies available.
Despite how common it is, Halitosis can have a significant and devastating personal, social and professional impact on those who actually suffer from it, or interestingly, believe they suffer from it. The latter case is known medically as halitophobia.
Most cases of unpleasant breath (probably as many as 85-90%) originate in the mouth itself, for a variety of reasons and in different degrees. Eating certain foods (such as garlic, onions, meat, fish, and cheese) is an obvious cause, but obesity, smoking, poor dental hygiene and alcohol consumption are also very common causes. Inactivity and the presence of lower levels of oxygen during prolonged periods of sleep are responsible for the appearance of stronger odors first thing in the morning... so-called "morning breath."
Breath odor may be controlled or even temporarily eliminated with eating, teeth brushing, flossing, or rinsing with commercially available mouthwash. Not surprisingly, dental hygiene is a significant contributor to longer-term solutions.
In cases of excessive or prolonged bad breath (chronic bad breath), the personal effects on self-confidence can be enormous. This is a very serious condition and can affect some 25% of the population to varying degrees. In fact, the negative effects for sufferers can even be a significant contributor to poor self-esteem and increased stress levels, sometimes leading to other medical conditions.
Understanding how to achieve fresh breath cures needs to start with at least some basic knowledge of the common factors and Halitosis causes that are involved. These include...

Still suffer bad breath ???

Are You Still Suffer From Bad Breath Even After Scraping Your Tongue!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you familiar with what causes bad breath? If not, try scraping your tongue and smell what you get. If you don't like the smell, then you have probably figured out one of the halitosis causes that are lesser known and not as easily detected. There are many causes of bad breath, but a condition known as a "geographic tongue" is not one of them.
The geographic tongue is nothing complicated; what it is is simply a tongue that has many grooves and fissures, which means that it is not smooth, giving anaerobic bacteria a lot of comfortable room to reside in and grow. Anaerobic bacteria, as some people may known, are one of the major halitosis causes that pave the way to extremely bad breath that may not even be detected by the person. This condition, known as one of the biggest causes of bad breath, is known to affect different types of people. And people with a geographic tongue are more prone to the white tongue. If you look at your tongue in the mirror and detect a white coating on tongue, particularly in the middle, then you may want to scrape and smell it, as it may be what causes bad breath for you.
These are the steps in how to properly scrape and clean your tongue. Before the steps are explained, remember that scraping your tongue does not mean literally scrubbing it as hard as you can. This will only make your tongue bleed, and this is never good. Also, this doesn't mean that you have to stop brushing or flossing your teeth, as tongue scraping alone will not really help prevent halitosis from coming back. Finally, never spend too much on a tongue cleaner as you only need something that is firm and sturdy to do the job.
This is how you should scrape a white coated tongue:
• Slowly sweep from the back of your tongue to the front using your tongue cleaner, then from the left to the right.
• Now get some oxygenating toothpaste and put some on the head of the tongue cleaner you are using.
• Using the tongue cleaner, apply the gel on your entire tongue, as far as you can at the back without gagging. This will help stop halitosis causes such as anaerobic bacteria from forming particularly at the back of your mouth.
• Keep the toothpaste coating your mouth for 90 more seconds - but if you start gagging, feel free to spit it out. This is to make sure that the causes of bad breath in your mouth are completely eliminated.
• Brush your teeth as normal.

Finding out what causes bad breath, such as the white tongue, is helpful in allowing you to diagnose yourself properly so that you can get the right treatment.

Monday, November 2, 2009

What Causes Premenstrual Syndrome

What is PMS?

PMS is a set of symptoms that occur a week or two before your period and usually disappear when you're low.

Surely you realize that the days around your period are experiencing some changes, you can be more sensitive or irritable than usual and this can cause you problems with your partner or even your own because you understand that is what happens to you.

When the physical and emotional changes become uncomfortable and cause problems in your everyday life is said to suffer from "Premenstrual Syndrome." However, only a percentage between 5% and 10% suffer symptoms severe enough to cause significant impairment in their lifestyle.

Although not determined exactly what causes PMS, researchers think it is related to the interaction of the central nervous system and hormonal changes in your cycle.


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